Yes, It Is 2005, Not 1905
Vic Zast gets an earful for his condescending, stereotype-laden February 12 Blood-Horse essay on women and racing (as does the magazine for publishing it) in the February 19 issue’s letters to the editor section: “What were you thinking printing an article with that malicious tone in a magazine aimed at horse owners, breeders, etc …,” writes JoLynn Johnston, director of marketing at River Downs. “Horse racing has plenty of competition and enemies in the world, so why an upstanding, well-produced industry publication like the Blood-Horse would stoop to printing this trash is unfathomable.”
Deb Morris of Las Vegas was even more scathing in her response: “After reading Victor Zast’s ‘Advice for Men Only,’ I had to look at the magazine and check the year. Yes, it was 2005, not 1805, or 1905 … Women love racetracks. Plenty of us love the action, the betting, and the thrill of winning … Pick winners with a hat pin? Sorry, most women nowadays use speed figures, class, Tomlinson numbers, etc. … Not just men are horse racing lovers. Not only do I know who Secretariat was, I know who Sir Ivor was. And Domino. And I had Smarty Jones. Did you?”
Right on, ladies! The letters aren’t available online; many thanks to Alan Mann, proprietor of Left at the Gate, for sending me a photocopy.