JC / Railbird

No Water!

Commenter John S. reports from the scene:

The entire Belmont Park plant has NO WATER! All the toilets are backing
up and it’s 96 degrees and there, obviously, is no drinking water for the lord-knows-how-many patrons. Never make fun of Pimlico again!

Sounds dreadful, and dangerous. Let’s hope the problem is taken care of quickly, for everyone’s safety and comfort.
4:15 p.m. update: I just talked to Teresa of Brooklyn Backstretch, up on the Belmont third floor, and she has a sorry tale — the men’s bathrooms have been locked, the women’s bathrooms are in poor shape, and the situation is worsening as hot, inebriated people realize they have no place to relieve themselves. “I already have tomorrow’s blog post written,” she warned. I recommend you check her site on Sunday for all the details.
4:45 p.m. addendum: The third floor men’s rooms are open once again, and “spotlessly clean.” Does this mean the water situation is resolved? Let’s hope so.


Fingers crossed that no one gets shanked in the fight for the last working toilet.

Posted by Clarice on June 7, 2008 @ 4:14 pm

A post reporter just made the rounds and found a line of 200 pissed off women on a bathroom line on the second floor. Some were going into the men’s room. Sounds like a Stones concert from the ’70s!

Posted by john s. on June 7, 2008 @ 4:48 pm

While I didn’t see anyone get shanked, I did see a woman weeping (although it didn’t strike me as bathroom related) and Swifty saw a guy peeing in a garbage can near the apron, NOT in the bathroom.
there was also garbage EVERYWHERE. and another friend saw an abandoned pair of cutoffs! it was hot…

Posted by dana on June 7, 2008 @ 10:54 pm