JC / Railbird

Links for 2009-04-06


Amen on your second point.

With the @TTimes Twitter feed, I made it clear to the people who have access that it should be about personality AND information. It’s not an RSS feed, but an interactive tool.

When people opt in to following @TTimes, I want them to know they’re engaging in a dialogue with us about racing.

I think Twitter can be far more powerful than Facebook. (Can symposia please stop having a “using Facebook to draw fans” panel now?)

Posted by EJXD2 on April 7, 2009 @ 10:00 am

Agree that Twitter can be more powerful than Facebook — from what I’ve seen of how people are using it, and from my experience using it, the service does better at bringing users together by affinity and conveying meaningful information through a network.

Posted by Jessica on April 9, 2009 @ 8:53 am