JC / Railbird

Links for 2009-04-15


Thanks for the follow-up, although you should have included this piece by “Dark Side of Dubai” writer Johann Hari. It’s linked to in one of the three articles you chose, but deserves more attention, I think. Not only is it a surprisingly necessary statement of fact, it also entirely disproves the premise of the third link (the heavily-accusing non-accusation).

Posted by Malcer on April 15, 2009 @ 11:46 am

Thanks for pointing out Hari’s response to the third story linked above. While reading yesterday, I missed that, which is too bad, because it is a most effective argument — “[W]henever you hear the cry ‘But what about?!’, you can reply: what about we ignore this crude attempt to change the subject, and focus on the subject in hand?”

Posted by Jessica on April 15, 2009 @ 1:37 pm