A Cynical Take
On the relations between fans and racing executives: “Go to any racetrack in America and you will hear the same weary complaints. The programs are too expensive, the food is lousy, the service is worse, the tellers are surly, the fields are too short, the horses aren’t any good … and why in God’s name do they persist in charging people to get in?
“When you raise your voice, the people who run the joint dismiss you as a loser, the thinking being that if you cashed a ticket every now and then you wouldn’t be so bitter, the implication being that you must not be very bright and that you’ll be back anyway because you’re hopelessly hooked on the game.
“This is all in the manual, the racing executive’s guide on how to make friends and influence people. They’re very smart people, these racing executives, which would explain why horse racing is flourishing the way it is.” (Ashbury Park Press)