JC / Railbird

Mass. Slots Watch

The Massachusetts fall legislative session ends tomorrow and barring some last minute surprise House vote on the slots-simulcasting bill passed by the Senate in October, that means not only will the racetracks’ best chance of getting slot machines in years pass by, but that as of January 1, all will have to close their doors and layoff workers for at least a couple of weeks, until a bill reauthorizing simulcasting is approved when the legislature reconvenes in the new year. Which can’t be good news for struggling Suffolk Downs, relying as much as it does on simulcasting handle. Is it the end? I know, I’ve fretted about this already in two lengthy posts (here and here) this year, so I won’t again. Still, what a shame. For want of the slot money already lost by Massachusetts residents in neighboring states, thoroughbred racing in New England will almost certainly disappear.