Links for 2009-10-07
"In his lathered coat and refusal to settle early in the race, there were the faintest signs that the wonder horse's internal machinery was starting to clank and groan. But it was hard to defend that suspicion when he burst from the pack, arrow-like, and passed the lollipop two lengths in front. This was not a bloodstock deal, a betting coup or a prize-money grab. It was flesh and blood and beauty."
"Handicappers admittedly offer the one objective gauge against which new champions can be measured against the great names of the past. But they can make no allowance for the fact that different horses have different ways of showing scorn for their inferiors." The limitations of formulas and figures when it comes to quantifying greatness.
An odd move that doesn't make much sense. "On both technical and philosophical levels, there’s no meaningful difference between blogs that publish news and news sites that aren’t published as blogs."
"In preliminary results still being vetted, based on all tweets of 300,000 random users up to May 2009 (gender tracking excludes bots and ambiguous names), women make up 54 percent of Twitter users but are more likely to follow men (44 percent compared to 56 percent). Men are more likely to follow men, too (35 percent compared to 65 percent). But genders tend to tweet at the same rate."
Posted by Delicious in Miscellany on 10/07/2009 @ 7:00 am / Follow @railbird on Twitter